The Teak House
Tangalle, Sri Lanka

A Day of Styling and Shooting

The long anticipated arrival of Mark Forbes of Kulu Safaris fame to photograph The Teak House yesterday. Arriving way ahead of schedule having left Negombo at 04.30, Mark set about capturing the essence of The Teak House experience. 

It was hard work - Roshan and I spent much of the day 'styling' - flowers, food, and endless, subsequently spilled glasses of liquid gold - our fast diminishing reserves of Sauvignon Blanc! The photo shoot finally drew to a close at 20.00 last night when we relaxed with a glass or two of something.

Supper consisted of a delicious cold spinach soup, followed by homemade fish and shrimp cakes served with a punchy, rustic carrot salad and cucumber in a yummy yoghurt dressing. Simple but perfect after a long day behind the lens. Thank you, Mark. Can't wait to see the images when you are done!

The latest addition to our ever increasing collection of hibiscus has flowered!


And, Tissa and Seeni have finally decided where they are going to lay their heads in the new order of things! The raised walkway between The Teak House and our gleaming new kitchen is just the thing. With their sightlines firmly secured, a gentle breeze flowing through the trellising and the cool surface of the polished cement floor, they have given up their expensive wooden thrones underneath the house, their slightly feral firepit idea and finally made the right choice! Phew......................

They are of course blissfully unaware of their rivals for our affection back in Blighty!

I fear we know the outcome of a chance encounter!

Now, will the carpenter, electrician, stonemason or general labourers turn up today or are we really still in the Sri Lankan moment - dreaming?


5th Oct 2011

Latest News

The Fishermen are back!
Whilst we are unable to visit, we are thrilled to 'see' that the itinerant fishermen are back on our beach.


The Southern Expressway is now open to within 15 minutes of The Teak House
After a wait of 17 years, we are delighted to let you know that the final section of the Southern Expressway was vested a week ago! It will now take between 2 and 2 and a half hours to travel the 234km from Colombo Airport to The Teak House. It is expressway all the way but the last 15 minutes.


Extending our low season pricing
In light of the terrible impact on tourism since the horrific attacks of Easter Sunday, we have extended our low season pricing across the summer months. There will never be a more affordable time to visit this enchanted isle.


The Tangalle Riviera
Tangalle Riviera is written up in The Sunday Times


Special offer for Stays in May and June!
Book and pay for four nights and get one night's free stay. Offer applies to stays up to and including 30 June 2016. Enjoy five nights for the price of four and really experience this 'rare piece of heaven on earth....complete with a fabulous chef!'


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